NEWCHAA Coach Code of Conduct
As a NEWCHAA Coach I agree to:
1. Unite with other coaches, players/athletes, parents, and the NEWCHAA board, in support of NEWCHAA’s Mission Statement and Policies as we foster a Christ-centered athletic environment by applying the truths of Scripture to athletic careers, and as Scripture does, apply the lessons learned from athletics as we seek to imitate Jesus:
a. “Promote Excellence in a Competitive Sports Setting”
Competing to win. (1Cor 9:24), Self control in all things (1Cor 9:25), Purpose, Focus, & Intentionality (1 Cor 9:26) Forgetting what’s behind us and intensely focusing, reaching, pressing, to obtain the prize (Phil 3:13,14), Working with all of our heart for the Lord (Col 3:23,24), All for God’s Glory (1Cor 10:31)...
b. “Build Individual Character and Discipline”
Competing within the rules (2 Tim 2:5) The right thinking (Phil 4:8), As valuable as winning in sports can be, spiritual wins last forever. (1 Cor 9:25), Glorify God by being a light to others (Mat 5:16)...
c. “Encourage Team Sportsmanship”
Character traits of compassion, kindness, humility, patience, forgiveness... (Phil 1:9-11), (Col 3:12-14), Sharpening each other (Prov 27:17), Value others above yourself (Phil 2:3,4), Unity (Rom 12:4,5)...
d. “Develop Athletic Skills”
Disciplining the body. We are to rule our bodies... as our body is our servant. (1 Cor 9:27)(1Tim 4:7,8), Rewards for the skilled (Prov 22:29), Physical (1Tim 4:8), Endurance (Heb 12:1), God works through our gifts (1Cor 12:4-6)...
Develop and maintain an overall sense of ownership for the athletic program that I have been entrusted with by the NEWCHAA board.
Coach my team/s to help each player become a more knowledgeable athlete, more physically capable, and to support their efforts to grow in spiritual wisdom and character.
Encourage team members, parents, and fans to be responsible for their own behavior, as well as their team's behavior.
Serve as a positive role model by consistently showing respect towards players, opposing coaches, parents, fans, and officials.
Exhibit the kind of character and diligence that I expect from my athletes.
Help ensure that all NEWCHAA events provide a sports environment that is free of drugs, tobacco, alcohol, abusive language or other activities that could hinder our players, coaches, fans, or NEWCHAA’s testimony in our community.
Work diligently to provide as productive, challenging, and safe practices and game environments as possible.
Prohibit players with significant injuries from playing or returning to the game.
Clearly communicate NEWCHAA policies and expectations to players and parents.